crossword puzzles in education

Teachers all over the world have discovered the educational benefits of crosswords.


Students think they are fun to play and don’t even notice that they are learning, studying for a test, or reviewing while the solve their puzzles.


Make free form puzzles

using only your words

Enter a vocabulary list, a spelling list, or other information to review and it will make a puzzle from only your words.


Add a colored, black or gray background, or leave it white to save toner. Your choice.


publish your crosswords

Crossword Weaver® makes it easy to spice up your publication or web site with a crossword.


It is estimated that 50 million people in the U.S. alone solve a crossword every day.


Why not have one on your web site or published work, even in a book you are writing. Hook your reader and keep them on your page longer!


This program’s powerful exporting and layout tools make it easy to drop your puzzle into your publication or web site.

Ready to try it?

Product info

This popular crossword puzzle maker has been sold throughout the world since its debut in 1998.


Educators, publishers, and puzzle enthusiasts have found this software to be an invaluable tool.


Here’s what they are doing with it:


made to be easy for you

Simply choose your puzzle type, enter your word list, press a button, and your puzzle is essentially done. You can add a title or sub title, edit the clues, and save your puzzles for later use.


For younger grades, you can choose to add a “word bank” of words found in the puzzle.


Newspaper style crosswords

You can also use Crossword Weaver to create newspaper style (fully crossed) puzzles.


Crossword Weaver’s patented technology can not only build these amazing puzzles, it can even add some of your words into them to make a themed puzzle.


Customize a puzzle specifically for your audience to make it even more special.


how people are using this software:


  • K-12 Education: reviews, tests, and reinforcing concepts
  • Religious education
  • Corporate training and reviews
  • Seminars
  • Pass out at work for employees to play
  • Add to your web site to give visitors a reason to stay
  • Drop into your publication to engage readers and keep them coming back.
  • Creating unique gifts, invitations & party games

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